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New Adventures 2020 – Conference
Nottingham Albert Hall North Circus Street, NG1 5AA, NottinghamThe Conference "New Adventures 2020" will take place Thursday 23rd January 2020 at Nottingham Albert Hall, UK.
Zip-Scene Conference on Analogue and Digital Immersive Spaces
Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Zugligeti út 9, BudapestThe second Zip-Scene Conference on Analogue and Digital Immersive Spaces takes place 10-12 November, 2019 at Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Budapest, Hungary.
Techfestival 2019
Flæsketorvet KopenhagenGet ready: Techfestival 2019 is taking off September 5 -7! The time is right for a new conversation on tech. One that takes us beyond Silicon Valley culture, innovation hype and AI-fear. One that anchors tech in society with a human focus to technological progress. That is the conversation we...