CALL FOR PAPERS – Design as common good

For the Swiss Design Network Symposium 2021 Design as common good there is a Call for Papers and Workshops till July 15, 2020.

»In light of social, economic, technological and environmental challenges, design researchers, practitioners as well as communities constantly critically address and question the contribution of design to the common good. The common good as conceptualized by the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Zalta et al., 2018) “benefits society as a whole – in contrast to the private good of individuals and sections of society.” Design as a discipline has long been positioned from the context of developing and catering to the private good, focusing on individual and smaller sections of society – largely leaving its contributions to the common good under explored.

With our conference Design as common good, the Swiss Design Network invites everyone interested in reflecting upon what constitutes a common good and specifically what constitutes a common good in and through design. The conference aims to develop new and relevant points of entry for research, education and practise around this topic.

Professional responses to matters of inclusion, sustainability, safety, accessibility, health, well-being, equity, or education are central to these endeavours. They are pushed to the foreground by disruptive events, such as the financial crisis 2008 or the COVID-19 pandemic as well as the fast-paced and omnipresent digital transformation. We want to collaboratively explore what common good can entail, critically thinking and learning from each other. We welcome papers and projects from researchers and scholars addressing the issue of the common good through, with and within design in the hopes of encouraging others from domains outside the academic design discipline to join our discussion and conference.

We are looking for papers that convey the contributions of design to the common good from a multitude of theoretical perspectives and professional practices. Particularly desirable are research projects targeting new models of knowledge production and innovation that address social, environmental and economic issues to enhance human living. The research focuses on the needs of society – be that at a local, national or global level – and so makes a valuable contribution to policies, the economies, and societies.

We are aiming for high quality contributions that will form the foundations for a book, a special journal issue or another publication and also engaging workshops«

Deadline:  July 15, 2020

How to apply

Submitting a Paper
Applicants are invited to submit a 500-word abstract by July 15, 2020. Following acceptance of the abstract, authors will be notified by September 10, 2020 to submit their full paper (4000 words) by November 15, 2020, which will also be undergoing a double-blind review.

Submissions must be written in English, should not exceed 4000 words (excluding references), and should be submitted as a single PDF.

Submitting a Workshop Proposal
Applicants are invited to submit a 500-word proposal for an online workshop at the conference. The proposal needs to include title, topic, method, length, format and number of participants. Submission is due July 15, 2020. Following acceptance of the proposal authors will be notified by September 10, 2020 to submit their detailed agenda and structure by November 15, 2020.


Website with all informations

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