Call for Papers – Research Perspectives In the era of Transformations

For the Academy for Design Innovation Management (ADIM) Conference on 18–21 June, 2019 London, United Kingdom there is a Call for Papers till 29 January 2019.

The Academy for Design Innovation Management invites an international community of scholars to formulate areas of explorations and academic contribution that are outlined by the following Tracks around which the conference is organised:

  1. Social Impact Transformation
  2. Transforming Design Perspectives
  3. Transforming design values
  4. Design, Innovation and Business
  5. Mitigating Complexities with Design
  6. Transforming Design innovation education

You will need to submit a full paper for the ADIM 2019 research conference. The abstract should be less than 150 words in length. Abstract should summarise the paper, and should not provide any identifying information about the author(s).

You might like to structure your abstract as per Kamler’s and Thomson’s (2013) suggestion:

LOCATE: this means placing the paper in the context of the discourse community and the field in general. Larger issues and debates are named and potentially problematized. In naming the location, the writer is creating a warrant for their contribution and its significance, as well as informing an international community of its relevance outside of its specific place of origin.

FOCUS: this means identifying the particular questions, issues or kinds of problems that the paper will explore, examine and/or investigate.

REPORT: this means outlining the research, sample, method of analysis in order to assure readers that the paper is credible and trustworthy, as well as the major findings that are pertinent to the argument to be made.

ARGUE: this means opening out the specific argument through offering an analysis. This will move beyond description and may well include a theorisation in order to explain findings. It may offer speculations, but will always have a point of view and take a stance. It returns to the opening Locate in order to demonstrate the specific contribution that was promised at the outset. It answers the ‘So what?’ and the ‘Now what?’ questions.

Kamler, B., & Thomson, P. (2013). Writing for Peer Reviewed Journals: Strategies for Getting Published. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.


All papers will be double-blind peer-reviewed.

Full papers should be between 5000 and 6000 words in length excluding abstract and references using the initial blind full paper template that can be downloaded below. Both British English and American English is accepted.

We welcome any research approach or type of paper including conceptual, empirical and critical literature reviews. However, we expect high standards of scholarship within the papers. In terms of establishing context, explicating the methods of inquiry, and reporting results that may aid other researchers.

If you are single author, then you can submit only ONE paper. If a paper is co-authored, then you can submit as many papers as you have the co-authors. A lead presented will need to change for each of the different papers. For example, an Author A co-written a paper titled “Paper AB” has been accepted as well as the Author A’s single authored paper titled “Paper A”. Then Author B will lead the presentation on a paper titled “Paper AB” and the Author A will present paper titled “Paper A”.

Please download the initial Paper Template for blind submission:

If you require the paper template saved in a previous version of the Microsoft Word Document file format, please contact us via this email address: 

Author names should NOT be identified in the abstract or the body of the submitted paper. The full papers must be previously unpublished.

To submit your full paper for the double blind review you will need to:

  1. Save your full paper as PDF
  2. Register to the online conference management system:
  3. Upload your PDF on or before Tuesday 29th January 2019

For any questions please contact the conference organisers via this email address: 



Deadline  29 January 2019

  • Notification of accepted Full Papers | Tuesday 12 March 2019
  • Deadline for Full Papers with corrections & Registration of paper author(s) | Tuesday 16 April 2019
  • Conference will take place | 19–21 June 2019

The list of conference Tracks and information about the submission process is available here.

To submit your full paper you will need to:

1)  Download the Blind Paper Template:

2) Register on the online ADIM 2019 conference management system ConfTool: (if you participated in the 2017 conference in Hong Kong then you have will have existing account on the system).

3) Upload your final full paper saved as PDF and Word file on or before Tuesday 29 January 2019 onto the conference management system

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