Call for Participation – Techfestival

For the Techfestival this autumn in Copenhagen there is a Call for Participation till 30th of June (extended up till) 15th July 2017.

Techfestival is a non-profit initiative exploring a new, progressive agenda on technology.

Tired of outgrown industry conferences and technology hype, a group of entrepreneurs, curators, organizers and creatives initiated Techfestival. The mission: to create a truly participatory festival. One that’s guided by collaboration, curiosity and a human centric approach to tech. Home to many, if not all, of the greatest inventions of our time, technology’s relentless drive for innovation also faces us with challenges unparalleled in history. Together with a global community of co-creators our goal is to break them down into real talk and tangible experiences.

We will examine the impact of technology on our lives across 10 themes: Ego, Citizenship, Art, Learn, Create, Work, Start up, Play, Cities and Society.

The result? Up to you.
Techfestival is an open invitation to anyone who wants to explore, debate and celebrate a human-centric approach to technology with wide open eyes, fierce curiosity and joyful enthusiasm.

All this in true festival style for one week this September. Including 100+ summits, meetups, conferences, dinners, concerts, art installations and activities in warehouses, studios, shipping containers and outside areas all over Copenhagen.

  • Public meetups (50-500+ people) created by local organizers and grassroots organizations
  • Each meetup should take up to 3 hours and help democratize and amplify knowledge on tech. Anything from advanced niche topics to meetups for beginners are welcome.
  • Rough & “unconference” vibes. Try real talk instead of keynotes.
  • Free of charge and open to every festival wristband holder

»We are inviting progressive meetup organizers and thought leaders globally to co-create meetups at Techfestival. Bring your burning topic, your crowd and use the Techfestival platform to extend your meetup community.«

Entry Deadline for the Call for Participation ist der 30 th of June 2017.

More informations:

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